05 January 2010

di awan biru

huhu. agak lama tidak menghundate blog tersayang nih.
mood terbang entah kemana.
azam 2010 pun tak terhupdate.
( nanti rajin baru buat )

lately sedang bz menjadi wedding planner utk abg kesayangan.
kononlah wedding planner
tolong mana yang mampu shj
tapi saya dibantu oleh ramai lagi wedding planner yang laen.

today adalah mood berangan angan di awan biru
tadi masa google-ing, jumpa banyak sangat pelamin and hantaran yang super menarek
kalo lah banyak duit.kalo lah.kalo lah

nie pelamin yang saya sangat suka.
comel kan? comel kan? T_T

simple but really really nice
tapi diorang pakai bunga segar tuh

hantaran plak,
yang sangat fresh and comel & telah menyentuh hatiku ialah

merah + cream !!
superb kan combination these two colours.
tapi yang ni pun diorang pakai fresh flowers T_T

untuk wedding my big bro,
kaler ni mungkin sesuai untuk hantaran

peach + soft orange
nice kan! :)
nanti nak kena usulkan kat big boss

p/s: nantikan kalo dah sampai seru nak kawin, nak buat blog ni as wedding diaries lah.
(kan dah cakap entry kali ni mood di awan biru. ngee~


Dreams... said...

Just a random question, do you give opportunity to people that you have never met before, to get to know you better?

she is nadia azreen said...

huh? who's dat 'people' anyway?

Dreams... said...

I dont know, because girls always have this judgemental attitude of judging someone before they know them, and they generalise all guys that they have never met before as this perverts trying to hit on them... that was just a random questions.. trying to figure out how girls actually think...

she is nadia azreen said...

haha.. i dont think all girls being judgemental like that...
maybe they are just being carefull :)

Dreams... said...

Ooo ok... so what happens to good guys with good intentions? hehehe im trying to be the devil's advocate here hehehe.... its ok if you dont wanna answer this...

she is nadia azreen said...

hurm..good intentions? what do u mean by dat?

Dreams... said...

Well good intentions could be, people who want to be your friend, people who want to be more than just a friend, or people who meant no harm to you and just wanna know you because you have an interesting personality.... those are people with good intentions... so do you get to know them first before you decide to ignore or not to ignore them or do you just assume them as a pervert and ignore them? sorry for the long comment....

she is nadia azreen said...

haha..i dont know how to answer it..
i have to be in dat situation 1st b4 being able to answer ur question..;)

Dreams... said...

Hahaha... its ok... the question was a bit silly to begin with... thanks anyway for your response... just doing my job to understand human being... hahahaha