08 August 2011

random oh

im home buat ke sekian kalinya
cuti 1 week disebabkan banyak cuti lebih di tempat keja lama
oh lupa nak gtau, saya dapat kerja baru
wehuuuu :)

so next week 15/8 will start my journey at new place
hope everything gonna be great there .amin.
doakan saya eh? :) saya tahu agak lama jugaklah tak berblogging
busy bee.kononlah haha ;)
takpe,ill make up for it

why not the pics do the
talk guys? hehe

1) one of the juadah berbuka puasa ketika di rumah.heaven sesangatttttt! wehuu..

2) Harimau Malaya vs Liverpool

3) kiki dimandikan hihi ;)

macam banyak je kan pic?
sebenarnya ada lagi pic time join photoshoot yang di kelolai oleh my sis in law sendiri
tapi cam tak mampu nak upload kat ini sebab nak muntah tengok pic sendiri (serious tak leh blah!) haha sorry..
and cik camera tertinggal di kl so semua pic dalam tue
maybe next time yeh? :)

so far my life is basically fine ( sangat fine sebenarnya)
and alhamdulillah everything seems like too good to be true
terima kasih Allah SWT atas kurniaan

wish everyday will be the same or better :)


didi_adinna said...

Keje mana skrg Cik Adik? Cite laa pasal previous job n current job! Interesting maybe?

she is nadia azreen said...

haha..nanti utk next post tauu.pemalas sket nk update sebenarnye.hee.. :)