only god knows how badly ive been waiting for this break!
with my crazy classes and exams schedule
finally im home babeyh! ;p
bile pulang kerumah,smpai je umah tibe2 mlm tue terus banjir
miss rain,
please go away n come back later
pretty please?
The current weather sgtlah membimbangkan
and sgtlah tidak mengembirakan KERANA
whenever it rains i cant watch the tv (bcoz of astro's super cacat-ed service)
nk tgk awan dania mlm nie pn xleh.argh !
luckily,today air depn umah da surut.
tp ujan still turun even tak lebat sgt
i feel sorry to my beloved sis, cik nadia adleen yg tgh exam spm
insyallah,Allah akan permudahkan
adela tue hikmah kt mn2
jgn tensi2 :)
actually, i have tons of pictures (umah bnjir) to be uploaded but im damn lazy right now!
ujan ujan ni rsa cam nk tidooo and makann jee.
i really ave to change my bioclock lah.tido lama gile.
tengah2 kemas2 pun bleh tertido.apekah ini.i hate musim hujan.sejuk tidoo sangat banyak,makan banyak,malas banyak.smua la yang banyak2. to sleep